Fortune® 200 Service Company Case Study – Expense Management & Contract Negotiations.

The Client A Fortune® 200 service company with over 2,000 locations nationwide and a monthly telecom spend of $1.6 million. This company faced a $1 million contractual shortfall penalty from AT&T however; this was resolved by our subject matter experts. The Challenges This client’s previous Telecom Expense Management (TEM) provider did not have an accurate […]

Fortune ® 500 Energy Company – Wireless Expense Management & Optimization

The Client A Fortune® 500 company with 1800+ devices issued with a spend of $187K per month. The client was averaging $101 per month usage cost per device. The Challenges Considering “Bring Your Own Device”(BYOD) because of high cost of equipment. Employee devices and numbers became increasingly difficult to manage. International roaming cost rose with […]