Our Technology
Teligistics continues its leadership in technologies, methods, Best Practices and procurement strategies. Below are a few samples of this leadership.
U.S. Patent # US 6,885,997 B!
Method & Apparatus for Comparing Rate Plans Teligistics was awarded a U.S. Patent for the methodology used to decipher and then analyze telecom service provider rate plans and offerings. This methodology is used in all telecom RFP’s conducted by Teligistics and is the basis for the auditing of invoices in the Telecom Expense & Asset Management ™ Platform. Without this methodology that is solely owned by Teligistics, it is impossible to analyze rate plan offerings on a true net-net basis.
Telecom Decision Matrix™
Due to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act, many publicly-traded Enterprises need a logical and auditable process for evaluating RFP responses, evaluating telecom service providers and analyzing cost structures before awarding multi-million contracts.
Teligistics’ Telecom Decision Matrix ™ provides a customized solution for weighting criteria for the Enterprise and scoring telecom service provider responses to an RFP or bid proposal. This process provides documentary evidence regarding the methodology and processes used to award services and is used by both Public and private companies.

Rapid Deployment Telecom RFP™
Many times Teligistics is engaged late in a contract term or after a telecom contract has expired. During this critical juncture it is imperative for the Enterprise customer to rapidly formulate, extend and evaluate RFP responses. Since most Enterprises cannot start a telecom RFP (especially for complex global voice & data networks) due to the data mining necessary, Teligistics has developed a rapid deployment RFP strategy that can get your RFP launched in weeks versus months.
Telecom Expense & Asset Management™ Platform
Teligistics TEAM ™ online portal for the management of telecom invoices and inventory is the leading professionally managed application to get complete control and visibility into your overall telecom spend.
Teligistics application is a 100% managed solution providing invoice processing, G/L allocation, asset tracking, circuit inventories and full reporting of your telecom spend for local, long distance, wireless, data, WAN/LAN, audio conferencing and Internet access. The TEAM ™ SSL encrypted application is fully redundant, available via web 24 hrs x 365 days per year and is the total solution for the management of your telecom budget.